9 things that happen when you get fit
Physical fitness. It’s a goal, a lifestyle, a surefire way to set yourself apart from the legions of people who are too lazy or scared to make the changes necessary to gain physical fitness. If you happen to be one of the people who have yet to truly commit to physical fitness, understanding the perks of physical fitness may help you dig in and go for physical fitness, starting today.
What can you expect from your life as a fit person? Here are nine things you’ll go through when you turn the corner on physical fitness.
Thing 1: You’ll Want More
Exercise newbies have a hard time believing it, but there will come a time when you crave exercise. It may not be during those first few days or weeks, but once your body becomes fit and begins to perform the way it was built to perform, you’ll hunger to hit the gym every day, and you’ll give it your all once you’re there. Miss a day in the gym? You’ll feel guilty and lazy enough to never miss again!
Thing 2: Bedtime Will Be Better
This one doesn’t involve your sex life (though becoming fit will improve that as well). Rather, it’s about your sudden ability to hit the hay, fall asleep quickly, and stay asleep all night long. Just because you’re fit!
Thing 3: Confidence Becomes You
When you’re not fit, it’s impossible to feel your best. Not being physically fit leaves you feeling…well, frumpy. Get fit and watch your self-image skyrocket. Along with it, your confidence. Your confidence won’t necessarily push you into cockiness, but it will make you more enjoyable to be around, as it’s awkward to be around people who are down on themselves.
Thing 4: You Eat Well
Just as being fit makes you want to get in the gym every day, it also inspires you to want to eat well. After all, you spent all that time eating the right things to get fit. The last thing you want to do is throw it all in the trash just for the passing and momentary pleasures of two slices of pecan pie.
Thing 5: Showers Feel Better
Contrary to popular belief, sitting at a desk all day every day doesn’t get you dirty enough to take a shower. On the contrary, when you’re living the fit lifestyle, you’re in the gym regularly, allowing sweat to cover every pore of your body. After a hard day at the gym, your shower feels magical, because you actually deserve it!
Thing 6: Heavy Isn’t Heavy
Spend enough time not being fit and you may be surprised that fit folks can deal with things in life that require strength. Whether it involves carrying a baby through the grocery store, picking up a few bags of groceries, moving a pile of bricks from your truck bed to your garden, or just getting up the stairs, fitness enables you to do it with ease.
Thing 7: Your Body Functions Improve
Get fit and your heart will work more efficiently. You know that. But getting fit will get your other body systems in line also. Whether you’ve been struggling to think clearly on your feet, you’ve been plagued with constipation, or you’re always out of breath, getting fit can remedy all these issues and more.
Thing 8: You’ll Go Shopping
You probably know people who have to upgrade their closets every few years to accommodate their ever-growing bellies. Not you. When you go fit for life, you’ll have to go shopping, but only because your waist has slimmed up and your muscles have tightened up and are now situated where they belong.
Thing 9: You Won’t Fear Sore
At one point in time, being sore always meant something was wrong. When you get fit, being sore is something that you welcome. After all, you know the soreness means you’re working your body in new ways that will only improve your physical fitness. If it’s a bad sore, you’ll know that also because, well, fit people know their bodies.
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What can you expect from your life as a fit person? Here are nine things you’ll go through when you turn the corner on physical fitness.
Thing 1: You’ll Want More
Exercise newbies have a hard time believing it, but there will come a time when you crave exercise. It may not be during those first few days or weeks, but once your body becomes fit and begins to perform the way it was built to perform, you’ll hunger to hit the gym every day, and you’ll give it your all once you’re there. Miss a day in the gym? You’ll feel guilty and lazy enough to never miss again!
Thing 2: Bedtime Will Be Better
This one doesn’t involve your sex life (though becoming fit will improve that as well). Rather, it’s about your sudden ability to hit the hay, fall asleep quickly, and stay asleep all night long. Just because you’re fit!
Thing 3: Confidence Becomes You
When you’re not fit, it’s impossible to feel your best. Not being physically fit leaves you feeling…well, frumpy. Get fit and watch your self-image skyrocket. Along with it, your confidence. Your confidence won’t necessarily push you into cockiness, but it will make you more enjoyable to be around, as it’s awkward to be around people who are down on themselves.
Thing 4: You Eat Well
Just as being fit makes you want to get in the gym every day, it also inspires you to want to eat well. After all, you spent all that time eating the right things to get fit. The last thing you want to do is throw it all in the trash just for the passing and momentary pleasures of two slices of pecan pie.
Thing 5: Showers Feel Better
Contrary to popular belief, sitting at a desk all day every day doesn’t get you dirty enough to take a shower. On the contrary, when you’re living the fit lifestyle, you’re in the gym regularly, allowing sweat to cover every pore of your body. After a hard day at the gym, your shower feels magical, because you actually deserve it!
Thing 6: Heavy Isn’t Heavy
Spend enough time not being fit and you may be surprised that fit folks can deal with things in life that require strength. Whether it involves carrying a baby through the grocery store, picking up a few bags of groceries, moving a pile of bricks from your truck bed to your garden, or just getting up the stairs, fitness enables you to do it with ease.
Thing 7: Your Body Functions Improve
Get fit and your heart will work more efficiently. You know that. But getting fit will get your other body systems in line also. Whether you’ve been struggling to think clearly on your feet, you’ve been plagued with constipation, or you’re always out of breath, getting fit can remedy all these issues and more.
Thing 8: You’ll Go Shopping
You probably know people who have to upgrade their closets every few years to accommodate their ever-growing bellies. Not you. When you go fit for life, you’ll have to go shopping, but only because your waist has slimmed up and your muscles have tightened up and are now situated where they belong.
Thing 9: You Won’t Fear Sore
At one point in time, being sore always meant something was wrong. When you get fit, being sore is something that you welcome. After all, you know the soreness means you’re working your body in new ways that will only improve your physical fitness. If it’s a bad sore, you’ll know that also because, well, fit people know their bodies.
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