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This may be the most important message of the year regarding your eating plan for 2016.

If you use these 4 strategies with every meal, I guarantee you’ll have an amazing physical transformation next year…

1) Pay attention to the cooking method

The way a meal is cooked determines how many calories, how much added fat, and the number of nutrients that survive. This simple factor will make or break your weight loss goal.

Avoid foods prepared like this:
  • Fried and battered 
  • Processed and packaged 
  • Doused with cream sauce 
  • Sautéed 

Choose foods that are prepared like this:
  • Grilled 
  • Baked 
  • Steamed 

2) Your meal should be mostly protein

The bulk of your calories should be coming from a quality source of protein. With the first guideline in mind, these will be high quality, healthfully prepared.

Good choices of protein include:
  • Fish 
  • Chicken 
  • Turkey 
  • Eggs 
  • Lean red meat 
  • Beans 

3) Include lots of fiber

Fiber is a huge part of eating healthy and being lean. Fibrous foods will fill you up while delivering vitamins and nutrient in low-calorie packages. Fill at least two thirds of your plate with fibrous vegetables.

Try these forms of fiber:
  • Salad 
  • Seasonal vegetables 
  • Fruit 
  • Legumes 

4) Lay off the starches

Here’s where many well-meaning dieters lose it. The facts are simple, in order to maintain the low-carb, high protein diet required for healthy weight loss, there is no room for starchy foods.

Starches to avoid in large quantities:

  • Potatoes 
  • Pasta 
  • Rice and cereal 
  • Bread and crackers 

For faster results, pair your clean eating with a challenging exercise routine.

If you’re serious about transforming your body then call or email today to set up a consultation with me. Together we will create the perfect program that will quickly get you into the body that you deserve.

Don’t wait! Let’s get started today…

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